Use of images
We and our generous sponsors (The Jones Day Foundation) work hard to make our visits, and to keep them free and widely available. We'd love your permission to take, store, and use images, quotes and video of your students or group-members from our visits and workshops whenever possible.
We use images to show our charity’s sponsors the impact we have on the lives of young people.
These images of Proud Places activities amplify our work — with the hope that we can reach and inspire more young people across London.
Sometimes media outlets will want to write about our work. Photos of our fantastic participants enjoying themselves and engaging with heritage is the best way to showcase and explain what we do to the wider public.
To store the images securely.
To only use them for the purposes outlined on this form, seeking further permissions from you to use them for anything else.
To share them with you upon request.
To caption any images used carefully, so as not to directly identify any of the children and young people shown.*
To delete the images immediately if you notify us that consent has been withdrawn by any of the children and young people depicted.
*In instances of media interest, we may contact you again for permission to provide surnames, as relevant.
Updated full policy coming soon